What is Focused Improvement?

focused improvement total productive maintenance world class manufacturing Jan 08, 2024

Overview of Focused Improvement in TPM:

  • Objective: Enhance Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by addressing specific factors hindering productivity.
  • Approach: Target individual factors causing equipment losses instead of a broad, generalized approach.
  • Methodology: Focus on the six major loss categories: breakdowns, defects, setups/changeovers, idling, speed losses, and equipment startup/yield losses.
  • Data-Driven: Relies on clear numerical targets, continuous measurement, and data analysis to reduce losses incrementally over time.
  • Methodologies Used: Includes Kaizen events, Six Sigma projects, and small group activities led by frontline teams.

Execution and Key Principles:

  • Team Collaboration: Involves teamwork, daily experimentation, monitoring, and waste reduction as key elements.
  • Adaptability: Tailors approaches based on specific equipment or process needs to reduce losses effectively.
  • Root Cause Analysis Techniques: Utilizes tools like 5Y analysis (asking "why" repeatedly) and PM analysis for identifying root causes of problems and finding effective countermeasures.
  • Technical Knowledge Development: Progress in reducing losses often exposes knowledge gaps, necessitating skill development and engineering expertise for sustained improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement Philosophy: Maintains a long-term focus on achieving zero losses and steadily improving process capacity.

Impact and Integration within TPM:

  • Innovation and Knowledge Development: Active focused improvement drives innovation and proprietary knowledge development within an organization.
  • Complementary Nature: Positioned as a specialized, technical form of continuous improvement, complementing an organization's existing daily improvement methods.
  • TPM Integration: Often integrated as the foundational pillar within Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategies for comprehensive equipment maintenance and improvement.

This structured approach allows for a deeper understanding of how Focused Improvement in TPM operates, emphasizing its methodologies, principles, execution, and impact within the larger context of organizational improvement strategies.

Course Forward:

    • Would you like to improve you skills to guide the improvement efforts and develop the capabilities to focus on the biggest opportunities in your Site or Region?
    • Interested in leading a Focused Improvement pillar or project team? 
    • Learn more about our Focused Improvement Leader coaching program!  See the benefits below, and find more details in this link.  https://www.beltcourse.com/focused-improvement-leader-course-page



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