WHAT IS A TPM PILLAR? - How Pillars Benefit a Company (Quality Management Example)
Oct 12, 2023
The video discusses a system for embedding continuous improvement into organizational structures. It addresses the common problem of 80% of operational excellence programs failing. Pillars and pillar teams can be a way to enhance continuous improvement and organizational performance.
What is a Pillar, a Pillar Team, and their Benefits?
- The video highlights three key reasons for operational excellence program failures.
- It advocates combining various methodologies like Lean, TPM, Six Sigma, and holistic management.
- The concept of "pillars" in an operating system is introduced as areas of expertise and improvement.
- A specific example, the "quality management" pillar, is discussed.
- Pillar teams, consisting of cross-functional members, are explained.
- These teams align quality objectives with operations, leading to benefits like increased problem-solving, engagement, and quality improvement.
- The involvement of operations personnel enhances communication and problem-solving.
- It expands the pool of individuals working on continuous improvement.
- The video emphasizes the value of involving operations in addressing quality issues.
This video provides a lot more details and context about it. Watch it here:
Course Forward:
- Consider sharing this with others who would benefit from understanding the benefits!
- And if you'd like to learn more about TPM and each of the traditional TPM Pillars, here's an article and videos that will help you! Link: https://www.beltcourse.com/blog/tpm-pillars-overview
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