Tweak Your Wording When Discussing With Your B2B Prospects
Dec 06, 2023
These tips aim to enhance communication and build a positive rapport with potential clients in a sales context.
Avoid "To be honest with you" or "To be frank with you": These phrases may imply that you haven't been honest before and can undermine trust.
Avoid saying "Trust me": Trust should be earned through actions, not just claimed through words. Saying "trust me" may have the opposite effect.
Avoid "Sorry to bother you": Apologizing puts you at a lower status. Instead, confidently present what you have to offer without unnecessary apologies.
Don't use "Just following up": This phrase is overused in sales and may signal that you're trying to sell something. Instead, focus on adding value and addressing the prospect's needs directly.
Replace "Buy" with "Own" or "Take this home with you": The word "buy" can trigger resistance, so using alternative phrases that emphasize ownership can be more effective.
Replace "Contract" with "Agreement" or "Paperwork": The word "contract" can feel heavy, so using lighter terms like "agreement" or "paperwork" may be less intimidating.
Avoid saying "I haven't heard back from you": Instead of making the prospect feel guilty, focus on adding value and offering something meaningful in your follow-ups.
Eliminate the use of "Individual": It's a cold and institutional word. Use more casual and conversational language when addressing people.
Never claim "We are better than [Competitor]": Avoid putting down competitors directly. Instead, focus on understanding the prospect's needs and demonstrating how you can solve their problems.
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