Steering Team Overview
Feb 14, 2024
What is a Steering Team (Committee)?
Role of Steering Committee: Steering committees oversee lean transformations and ensure leadership alignment with the organization’s transformational vision.
Senior Management Support: Strong support from senior managers is crucial for motivating lean facilitators, especially during challenging times.
Committee Composition: The committee includes key business leaders and lean facilitators, functioning similarly to a board of directors.
Purpose and Function: The committee defines the vision, mission, and tactical strategy, providing decisive guidance and overcoming obstacles for lean facilitators.
Facilitator Support: Guidance from the committee may help lean facilitators balance their regular duties with transformational responsibilities.
What are a Steering Team (Committee) Report-Outs?
- It's a meeting where senior stakeholders provide direction and support to the project team and make decisions outside of the project team's authority.
- Leadership defines its terms of reference, including responsibilities, membership, quorum, meeting frequency, inputs, outputs, and authority limits.
Purpose and Importance:
- Crucial for project success, mandatory in mature project environments.
- Decisions made here can influence project direction, resource allocation, and approvals beyond project team authority.
How do Project, Pillar, or Workstream Leaders Report-Out?
Preparation and Conduct:
- Focus on decision-driven agenda; respect senior stakeholders' time and authority.
- Ensure thorough preparation: know content, have supporting documents readily accessible.
- Anticipate scrutiny and challenging questions; respond honestly and commit to follow-up actions when needed.
Handling Challenges:
- If meetings deviate from agenda or become unproductive, steer discussions back on track by summarizing concerns and refocusing on agenda items.
- Avoid opening up to unplanned discussions after agenda completion to maintain meeting efficiency and avoid unexpected commitments.
Closing and Follow-up:
- End meetings promptly after concluding agenda items; avoid informal discussions that could lead to unforeseen commitments or loss of professional demeanor.
- Always end with structured closure, asking for any final business by name before adjourning the meeting.
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