How to Implement Adult Learning Theory (Andragogy) in the Workplace
Oct 02, 2023
Andragogy is the study of how adults learn, as opposed to pedagogy, which focuses on how children learn. The video discusses implementing Adult Learning Theory (Andragogy) in the workplace.
- Adult learners seek immediate application of content to their work or personal lives when receiving training or instruction.
- The importance of providing practice opportunities right during the learning process is emphasized to support application.
- Problem-solving is a key aspect of adult learning, and trainers can enhance this by incorporating scenarios into their instruction.
- Involvement is crucial in adult learning; adults prefer active participation, thinking, and interaction with others.
- Purposefully structured activities that directly relate to the content are suggested to engage adults effectively.
- Adults possess a wealth of personal and professional experiences that can enhance learning.
- Encouraging discussions can help draw out and build upon these experiences to enrich the learning process.
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