Listen to this podcast OR watch the video below. As you go through it, rate each leadership style from 1 to 5 for your current frequency of use of each style, 1 being "never" and 5 being "very often".
Video version: Leadership Styles - the six leadership styles you need! Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles based on EI
Then answer a question by click the button below.
Question 1 of 3
Which of the leadership styles covered have you been successful using? Why were each successful in those situations?
Question 2 of 3
Which of the leadership styles covered have you seen cause team or organizational issues when used in the wrong situation? Why did they cause issues?
Question 3 of 3
Looking at your list of how often you use each style, and your next months' situation, which styles should you reduce using, and which styles should you increase using? How easy will it be for you to make these adjustments?